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Equity in Action

We welcomed teachers from the Visual Impairment team to school. 

On Thursday 6th June, we welcomed Emma and Debbie from the Visual Impairment team to school. They delivered a fascinating assembly to our Year 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 children all about visual impairment. We were so impressed with the knowledge our children already had about what people with a vision impairment can do, and what they need to be successful. 

Emma taught us that people with vision impairment can play football, take part in races, cook, ice skate and more!

In September, a child with visual impairment will be joining our school family. We know that for him to be successful, he will be using a cane to help him move around school safely and that he will be reading using Braille. This is equity- he has resources which are unique to him to help him learn well and be happy here at Woodston.

We are all looking forward to helping him settle in and make friends soon!