Music is a huge part of life at Woodston. Every child has a 40 minute lesson a week often linked to their Power of Reading book or Theme. The children learn how to listen, learn lyrics, accompany, perform and appraise all types of music. In weekly singing assemblies the children sing both modern and traditional songs. We hope they have been performing a selection to you at home! Alongside the curriculum we have 8 peripatetic teachers who come into school for individual or paired lessons; we currently have 130 children learning to play instruments and read music! Once able, some of the musicians join our 2 ensembles (String, Brass and Woodwind). We also have an 80 strong KS2 choir who perform at several events throughout the year. Music is essential to a child’s journey through school and life. It encourages team work, confidence, following instructions, taking responsibility and above all – it’s SO MUCH FUN!