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Our Values

Our values underpin all that we do in and around school.

We collaborated with staff, children and parents to ensure we were all in agreement about what is important to and for our school community.

We are committed to ensuring that our values are demonstrated by all members of the school community, in all aspects of school life. 

We are very proud of how well our values are already being shown through everyday life. Sarah Levy, our Trust School Improvement Consultant, recently visited and saw our values in action:


  • AMBITION: Staff were using Walk Thrus to support teaching and learning.
  • COMPASSION and RESPECT: There is a positive and calm atmosphere present in all classrooms; relationships continue to be a real strength of the school, and it is a joy to see pupils and staff engaging with each other with genuine care and warmth. 
  • AMBITION: There is enthusiasm and positivity present in all classrooms; there is a real focus on learning and improving. Pupils and staff try their best in all lessons.
  • AMBITION: Pupils can articulate what they are learning very well and use this to stretch and challenge themselves.
  • RESPECT: The physical learning environments are well-organised and stimulating, with displays reflecting and supporting current learning.
  • AMBITION: Teachers' high expectations mean that work is presented well in books. 


Sarah said : "It was wonderful to walk around the school and see so much evidence of all your hard work. The values that have been selected truly reflect what we stand for and when you start to look you can see evidence of them everywhere."