We believe that wearing uniform helps children to feel that they are part of our school community. We actively encourage all children to wear uniform and feel proud that they attend Woodston Primary School.
General Presentation
Our school colour is bottle green and this is the basis for our uniform for years EYFS to Year 5. When children get to Year 6, they wear purple jumpers and cardigans. Long hair should be tied back every day. If a head covering is desired, this should be black.
EYFS-Year 5
- Grey trousers, skirt or dress (green checked dress for summer is optional)
- Bottle green sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan
- White shirt, blouse or polo shirt
- Black, grey or white socks
- Grey or green tights
- Black shoes with low heels and easy to fasten.
Year 6
- Grey trousers, skirt or dress (purple checked dress for summer is optional)
- Purple sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan
- White shirt, blouse or polo shirt
- Black, grey or white socks
- Grey tights
- Black shoes with low heels and easy to fasten.
PE Kit
- White or black plimsolls/trainers
- White T-Shirt (no brand logos or graphics)
- Plain t-shirt colour of house (Red, yellow, blue or green)
- Black shorts or jogging bottoms
- Black or green sweatshirt (no brand logos or graphics)
Swimming Kit
- Swimming costume or shorts/trunks
- Towel
- Swimming hat (hats are on sale from our main office)
Please can you clearly label all your child’s uniform, PE Kit and belongings using a fabric marker or labels.
Earrings in pierced ears should be studs rather than hoops, which children can easily remove themselves for PE lessons. A simple watch may also be worn (no smart watches). No other jewellery is appropriate for wearing at school for health and safety reasons, and we appreciate your support with this.
Purchasing Uniform
Uniform with the school logo can be purchased online:
Home page | TotalClothingShop.co.uk
You can also visit their showroom:
Total Clothing
No 9 Botolph Trading Estate,
Oundle Road,
We are happy for you to choose items that do not have the school logo on them, which can be purchased online or in-store shops and supermarkets that supply generic uniform items. Please refer to the colour specifications above, however, to ensure that the uniform items are still compliant with our guidance.
Woodston PTA offer a pre-loved uniform shop. They hold regular sales throughout the year. If you are in need of unform and there is not a sale coming up, please contact pta.chair@woodstonprimary.org.uk and the PTA will be happy to help.
Here is a quick-reference guide to our uniform with images to help you select uniform for your child. We hope it is helpful.